12.1 General Description

Control statements allow for the interruption of the normal sequence of execution of statements by causing execution to continue at a specified line, rather than at the one with the next higher line number.

The goto-statement

        GO TO line-number

allows for an unconditional transfer.

The if-then-statement

        IF expl rel exp2 THEN line-number

where "expl" and'texp2" are expressions and "rel" is a relational operator, allows for a conditional transfer.

The gosub and return statements

        GO SUB line-number

allow for subroutine calls.

The on-goto-statement

        ON expression GO TO line-number, ..., line-number

allows control to be transferred to a selected line.

The stop-statement


allows for program termination.

12.2 Syntax

        1. goto-statement           = GO space* TO line-number
        2. if-then-statement        = IF relational-expression THEN line-number
        3. relational-expression    = numeric-expression relation numeric-expression /
                                      string-expression equality-relation string-expression
        4. relation                 = equality-relation / less-than-sign / greater-than-sign /
                                      not-less / not-greater
        5. equality-relation        = equals-sign / not-equals
        6. not-less                 = greater-than-sign equals-sign
        7. not-greater              = less-than-sign equals-sign
        8. not-equals               = less-than-sign greater-than-sign
        9. gosub-statement          = GO space* SUB line-number
        10. return-statement        = RETURN
        11. on-goto-statement       = ON numeric-expression GO space* TO line-number (comma line-number)*