17.1 General Description

The data-statement provides for the creation of a sequence of i representations for data elements for use by the read-statement. " The general syntactic form of the data-statement is DATA datum, ..., datum where each datum is either a numeric constant, a string-constant or an unquoted string.

17.2 Syntax

        1. data-statement = DATA data-list
        2. data-list = datum (comma datum)*

17.3 Examples

    DATA 3.14159, PI, 5E-10,

17.4 Semantics

Data from the totality of data-statements in the program are collected into a single data sequence. The order in which data appear textually in the totality of all data-statements determines the order of the data in the data sequence. If the execution of a program reaches a line containing a data-statement, then it shall proceed to the next line with no other effect.

17.5 Exceptions

None .